Monday, September 10, 2007

India's Leading Economists and Activists to Discuss Post - World Bank Development Alternatives

At the World Bank Tribunal coming up this 21-24 September at Jawaharlal Nehru University, evening sessions organized by the JNU Teachers Association in collaboration with a number of Delhi Based groups will be held to ask, "What are the alternative models for India's Development"?

While the Tribunal itself will provide a vast breadth and depth of testimony as to the painful consequences of privatization and other World Bank policies, the overall event is planned to be an open space for envisioning new or missed paths of what Amit Bhaduri calls "development with dignity".

The 4 day event will bring together activists and academics from all around the country to work together on new strategies and concrete next steps to redirect the current trajectory in India where capital is becoming more and more concentrated in the hands of the few.


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